【学术报告】 Prof. Minghua Zhang


题目:Cloud-Climate Feedback: Lessons Learned From the CGILS Project
报告人: Prof. Minghua Zhang
(Editor in Chief, JGR-Atmospheres; Distinguished Professor, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University)
邀请人: 杨修群 教授、汪名怀 教授
摘要: Cloud-climate feedback remains to be one of the largest uncertainties in climate models after three decades of research. Reduction of these uncertainties depend on understanding the physical mechanisms of cloud feedbacks in the models and in the real climate system. This presentation will describe results  from the CGILS project (CFMIP-GASS Intercomparison of Large Eddy Simulation and Single Column Models) that aims to reveal the underlying physical processes in the models and compare with large-eddy simulations. The mechanism of NEST-SCOPE (NEgative feedback by Surface Turbulence -- Shallow-Cumulus Positive Feedback) will be presented. Implications to model improvements and observational constraints will be discussed.

  • bwin必赢仙林校区大气科学楼