

邮箱: jfgu@nju.edu.cn
办公室: bwin必赢院楼C504


顾剑峰,本科及博士毕业于bwin必赢,现为bwin必赢准聘副教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向包括台风动力学,对流动力学及参数化,大气热力学等。研究工作关注台风的内部动力过程及外部环境影响台风强度及结构变化的多尺度物理机制;探索对流发生发展的多尺度动力学机理,及其与周围环境相互作用的物理机制,为改进数值模式中对流过程的物理参数化方案提供理论支撑。入选国家海外高层次人才计划,曾主持和参与国家自然科学基金委面上项目、青年项目等多项,获得英国雷丁大学颁发的青年科学家优秀研究奖,受邀为世界气象组织第十届热带气旋国际研讨会撰写工作报告,目前担任美国气象学会Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences期刊副编委,担任JAS, GRL, JAMES, CD等多个国际一流学术期刊审稿人。


        2014   bwin必赢 (Nanjing University), 气象学 (Meteorology),博士 (Ph.D.)

        2009   bwin必赢 (Nanjing University), 大气科学 (Atmospheric Science),学士 (B.S.)


        2022.11-至今  bwin必赢,准聘副教授(国家海外高层次引进人才青年项目)

        2017 — 2022   英国雷丁大学气象系,博士后

        2014 — 2017   bwin必赢,博士后  






天气学原理  Synoptic Meteorology 本科核心课程

大气动力学  Atmospheric Dynamics 南赫学院研究生课程



         Associate Editor     美国气象学会学术期刊《Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences》


         Committee Member 国际气象与大气科学协会 (International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, IAMAS) 热带气象委员会 (International Commission on Tropical Meteorology, ICTM, 筹备中) 委员


          Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, Geophysical Research Letter, Climate Dynamics, Weather and Forecasting, Atmospheric Research, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Frontiers in Earth Science


 [1]Gu, J.-F.*, R. S. Plant, and C. E. Holloway, 2024: Connections between Sub-cloud Coherent Updrafts and the Life Cycle of Maritime Shallow Cumulus Clouds in Large Eddy Simulation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, accepted.
 [2]Shen, Z.-Q., J.-F. Gu, Q.-W. Wang, and X. Qiu 2024: Increased Threat of Strong Typhoons along the Pacific Coast of Japan: Combined Effect of Track Change and Seasonal Advance Atmospheric Science Letters, , e1261.
 [3]Hao-Yann Liu, Zhe-Min Tan, Yuqing Wang, Jianping Tang, Masaki Satoh, Lili Lei, J.-F. Gu, Yi Zhang, Gao-Zhen Nie, Qi-Zhi Chen, 2024: A Hybrid Machine Learning/Physics-Based Modelling Framework for 2-Week Extended Prediction of Tropical Cyclones. JGR: Machine Learning and Computation, 1, e2024JH000207.
 [4]Ke Peng, Yu-Xun Tian, Juan Fang, Yan Liu and J.-F. Gu, 2024: Diversity of Tropical Cyclones Rapid Intensification. Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2023GL108006.
 [5]Gu, J.-F.*, R. S. Plant, C. E. Holloway and Peter Clark, 2024: The Moist Halo Region Around Shallow Cumulus Clouds in Large Eddy Simulations. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 150, 1501–1517.
 [6]Lavender, S., A. Stirling, M. Whitall, R. Stratton, C. L. Daleu, R. S. Plant, A. Lock, and J.-F. Gu, 2024: The Use of Idealised Experiments in Testing a New Convective Parameterization: Performance of CoMorph-A.Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 150, 1581–1600.
 [7]H.-Y. Liu, M. Satoh, J.-F. Gu*, L. Lei, J. Tang, Z.-M. Tan, Y. Wang and J. Xu, 2023: Predictability of the Most Long-lived Tropical Cyclone Freddy (2023) During its Westward Journey Through the Southern Tropical Indian Ocean.Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL105729.
 [8]Sheng Z.-Q., G.-Z. Nie, X. Qiu, J.-F. Gu, and Y. Zhang, 2023:Outer Size Distribution of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones over China Changes in the Recent Decades.J. Climate, 36, 6427-6445.
 [9]Yin, J., K. Chu, Z.-M. Tan, J.-F. Gu, and H.-Y. Liu, 2023: On the Evolutioin of Tropopause Layer Cooling over Tropical Cyclone.J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2022JD037995.
 [10]Chen, X., C. M. Rozoff, R. F. Rogers, K. L. Corbosiero, D. Tao, J.-F. Gu, ... and J. Kaplan, 2023: Research Advances on Internal Processes Affecting Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change From 2018–2022.Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 12, 10-29.
 [11]Liu, H.-Y., J.-F. Gu*, Y. Wang and J. Xu, 2023: What controlled the low-level moisture transport during the extreme precipitation in Henan Province of China in July 21? Mon. Wea. Rev., (in press).
 [12]Liu, H.-Y., J.-F. Gu and Y. Wang, 2023: Consistent Pattern of Rainfall Asymetry in Binary Tropical Cyclones. Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL101866.
 [13]Yang, B., X. Guo, J.-F. Gu and J. Nie, 2022: Cloud-Radiation Feedback Prevents Tropical Cyclones from Reaching Higher Intensities. Geophys. Res. Lett.49, e2022GL100067.
 [14]Liu, H., X. Tang and J.-F. Gu, 2022: Effects of Volcanic Aerosols on the Genesis of Tropical Cyclone Wukong (2018). J. Geophys. Res., 127, e2022JD036775.
 [15]Li, M., K. Chu, J.-F. Gu and Zhe-Min Tan, 2022: On the Relationship between Tropical Cyclone Size and Environmental Helicity in the South China Sea. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. Lett., 15, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2022.100205.
 [16]Liu, H.-Y., J.-F. Gu, Y. Wang and J. Xu, 2022: Contributions of Anomalous Large-Scale Circulations to the Absence of Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific in July 2020. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2021GL096652.
 [17]Gu, J.-F.*, R. S. Plant, C. E. Holloway and Todd Jones, 2021: Composited Structure of Shallow Cumulus Clouds. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 147, 2818-2833.
 [18]Xi, D., K. Chu, Z.-M. Tan, J.-F. Gu, W. Shen, Y. Zhang and J. Tang, 2021: Characteristics of Warm Cores of Tropical Cyclones in a 25-km-mesh Regional Climate Simulation over CORDEX East Asia Domain. Clim. Dyn., 57, 2375-2389.
 [19]Chen, X., J.-F. Gu, J. A. Zhang, F. D. Marks, R. F. Rogers, and J. J. Cione, 2021: Boundary Layer Recovery and Precipitation Symmetrization of Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones under Shear. J. Atmos. Sci., 78, 1523-1544.
 [20]Liu, H.-Y., Yuqing Wang, and J.-F. Gu, 2021: Intensity Change of Binary Tropical Cyclones (TCs) in Idealized Numerical Simulations: Two Initially Identical Mature TCs. J. Atmos. Sci., 78, 1001-1020.
 [21]Gu, J.-F.*, R. S. Plant, C. E. Holloway and M. R. Muetzelfeldt, 2020: Pressure Drag for Shallow Cumulus Clouds: From Thermals to the Cloud Ensemble. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL090460.
 [22]Gu, J.-F.*, R. S. Plant, C. E. Holloway, T. R. Jones, A. Stirling, P. A. Clark and S. J. Woolnough, 2020: Evaluation of Bulk Mass Flux Approximation using Large Eddy Simulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 77, 2115-2137.
 [23]Gu, J.-F., Z.-M., Tan and X., Qiu, 2019: Intensification Variability of Tropical Cyclones in Directional Shear Flows: Vortex tilt-Convection Coupling. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 1827-1844.
 [24]Gu, J.-F., Z.-M., Tan and X., Qiu, 2018: The Evolution of Vortex Tilt and Vertical Motion of Tropical Cyclones in Directional Shear Flows. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 3565-3578.
 [25]Gu, J.-F., Z.-M., Tan and X., Qiu, 2016: Quadrant-depedent Evolution of Low-level Tangential Wind of a Tropical Cyclone in the Shear Flow. J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 1159-1177.
 [26]Gu, J.-F., Z.-M., Tan and X., Qiu, 2015: Effects of Vertical Wind Shear on Inner-Core Thermodynamics of an Idealized Simulated Tropical Cyclone. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 511-530.
 [27]Chu, K. K., Q. Xiao, Z.-M. Tan and J.-F. Gu, 2011: A Forecast Sensitivity Study on the Intensity Change of Typhoon Sinlaku (2008). J. Geophys. Res., 116(72), DOI: 10.1029/2011JD016127.


    Research Output Award, 英国雷丁大学
 Celebrating Success Award, 英国雷丁大学

  • bwin必赢仙林校区大气科学楼