庄炳亮 (副教授,博导)

Bingliang Zhuang (Associate Professor)      





☆ 个人简介:庄炳亮,福建三明人,中国共产党党员,毕业于bwin必赢,现任bwin必赢副教授,博士生导师、苏港澳高校合作联盟委员会委员、中国颗粒学会青年理事、江苏省颗粒学会理事/气溶胶专委会秘书长,入选2022年国家高层次青年拔尖人才。致力于区域气候-化学耦合模式发展、东亚气溶胶光学特性、辐射强迫及其与季风气候相互作用研究。发表空气污染与气候变化方面的学术论文100余篇、参编教材/专著5部、荣获奖励8研究成果被IPCC评估报告、联合国环境规划署年度评估报告等引用。主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金项目等5项,主持bwin必赢国际合作和原创交叉项目2项,以研究骨干身份参加国家级科研项目等5 

☆ 研究方向




☆ 教育经历   

2006.9-2011.6      bwin必赢     大气物理学与大气环境     理学博士学 

2002.9-2006.6      bwin必赢大气科学系         大气科学                        理学学士学位 

☆ 工作经历

       2014.7-                 bwin必赢     副教授

       2011.7-2014.6      bwin必赢     助理研究员 

☆ 项目/课题



    ● 国家自然科学基金面上项目:东亚地区黑碳气溶胶与对流层臭氧相互作用及其对区域气候的影响研究,2021~2024

    ● 国家重点研发计划课题:多源资料同化及源解析数值方法,2017~2020         

    ● 国家自然科学基金面上项目:混合状态在气溶胶影响东亚季风中的不确定性研究,2017~2020

    ● 国家自然科学基金青年项目:东亚地区黑碳气溶胶与夏季风环流和降水的相互影响研究,2013~2015

    ● 教育部博士点(新教师类)基金:长三角地区典型气溶胶及其辐射特性研究,2013~2015

    ● bwin必赢原创交叉项目:面向航海保障的北极气旋发展背景下大气-海冰环境变化及预报研究,2021~2023

    ● bwin必赢国际合作项目:中欧美空气污染和气候变化的比较研究,2017


    ● 国家重点研发计划课题:气溶胶-地球系统模式耦合及气溶胶辐射效应,2019~2024   

    ● 国家973课题:我国黑碳气溶胶辐射强迫、增温幅度及减排策略研究,2014~2018


    ● 国家自然科学基金重点项目:长三角城市细颗粒物和臭氧的垂直分布、理化耦合及其天气效应,2016~2019

    ● 国家自然科学基金面上项目:区域气候-化学-生态耦合模式的发展及其在短寿命大气污染物气候效应研究中的应用,2016~2019

☆ 授课     

       《大气科学概论》   (大气化学、云微物理、边界层)




☆ 代表性论文

● Gao, P., Y. M. Gao, Y. N. Zhou, H. Cao, Y. X. Hu, S. Li, S. R. Liang, T. J. Wang, M. Xie, M. M. Li, and B. L. Zhuang* (2024), Changes in the direct climate effect of black carbon aerosols in East Asia under the“Dual Carbon”goal of China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, e2024JD040874.

● Hu, Y. X., B. L. Zhuang*, Y. N. Zhou, Y. M. Gao, P. Gao, T. J. Wang, S. Li, M. Xie, and M. M. Li (2024), Effects of emission reductions on major anthropogenic aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in East Asia in winter during 2007–2020, Atmospheric Environment, 327, 120499.

● Zhou, Y. N., B. L. Zhuang*, T. J. Wang, P. Gao, S. Li, Y. X. Hu, M. M. Li, H. Cao, M. Xie, and H. M. Chen (2024), Characteristics of urban black carbon aerosols in the Yangtze River Delta of China based on long-term observations, Atmospheric Environment, 326, 120488.

● Chen, H. M., B. L. Zhuang#,*, J. Liu, D. Y. Ma, S. Li, T. J. Wang, M. Xie, and M. M. Li (2024), The influence of the black carbon warming effect on near-surface ozone in China in summer, Atmospheric Research, 301, 107284.

● Hu, S. H., X. Y. Kuang, B. L. Zhuang*, and D. Q. Huang* (2024), Decadal co-variation of the aerosol over East Asia and the East Asian jet streams in the boreal winter, Atmospheric Science Letters, e1217.

● Zhuang, B. L.*, Y. M. Gao, Y. X. Hu, H. M. Chen, T. J. Wang, S. Li, M. M. Li, and M. Xie (2023), Interaction between different mixing aerosol direct effects and East Asian summer monsoon, Climate Dynamics, 61, 1157-1176, doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06617-2.

● Chen, H. M., B. L. Zhuang*, J. Liu, Y. N. Zhou, Y. X. Hu, Y. Chen, Y. M. Gao, W. Wei, H. J. Lin, S. Li, T. J. Wang, M. Xie, and M. M. Li (2023), Absorbing Aerosol Optical Properties and Radiative Effects on Near-Surface Photochemistry in East Asia, Remote Sensing, 15, 2779.

● 蔺惠娟,李沐阳,庄炳亮*,陈慧敏,魏雯,高伊曼,王体健,李树,陈璞珑(2023),中国和印度主要地区黑碳气溶胶对东亚冬季气候的影响研究,大气科学,47(4),1113-1130。

● 魏雯,庄炳亮*,蔺慧娟,束宇*,王体健,陈慧敏,高伊曼(2023),冬季东亚高空急流与近地层空气污染物相互作用的初步分析,大气科学,47(5),1341-1354。

● Gao, Y. M., B. L. Zhuang*, T. J. Wang, H. M. Chen, S. Li, W. Wei, H. J. Lin, and M. M. Li (2022), Climatic–Environmental Effects of Aerosols and Their Sensitivity to Aerosol Mixing States in East Asia in Winter, Remote Sensing, 14, 3539.

● Shu, Y., J. S. Sun*, C. L. Jin, and B. L. Zhuang* (2022), Vorticity Budget and Formation Mechanisms of a Mesoscale Convective Vortex in a Heavy‐Rainstorm Episode, Atmosphere, 13, 556.

● Wei, W., B. L. Zhuang*, H. J. Lin, Y. Shu, T. J. Wang, H. M. Chen, and Y. M. Gao (2021), Analysis of the Interactions between the 200 hPa Jet and Air Pollutants in the Near-Surface Layer over East Asia in Summer, Atmosphere, 12, 886.

● Chen, H. M., B. L. Zhuang*, J. Liu, S. Li, T. J. Wang, X. D. Xie, M. Xie, M. M. Li, and M. Zhao (2020), Regional climate responses in East Asia to the black carbon aerosol direct effects from India and China in summer, Journal of Climate, 33, 9783-9800.

● Zhuang, B. L.*, H. M. Chen, S. Li, T. J. Wang, J. Liu, L. J. Zhang, H. N. Liu, M. Xie, P. L. Chen, M. M. Li, and M. Zhao (2019), The direct effects of black carbon aerosols from different source sectors in East Asia in summer,Climate Dynamics, 53(9), 5293-5310.

● Chen, H. M., B. L. Zhuang*, J. Liu, T. J. Wang, S. Li, M. Xie, M. M. Li, P. L. Chen, and M. Zhao (2019), Characteristics of ozone and particles in the near-surface atmosphere in urban area of the Yangtze River Delta, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 4153-4175.    

● Zhuang, B. L.*, S. Li, T. J. Wang, J. Liu, P. L. Chen, H. M. Chen, M. M. Li, and M. Xie (2018), Interaction between the black carbon aerosol warming effect and East Asian monsoon using RegCM4, Journal of Climate, 31, 9367-9388.

● Zhuang, B. L.*, T. J. Wang, J. Liu, H. Z. Che, Y. Han, Y. Fu, S. Li, M. Xie, M. M. Li, P. L. Chen, H. M. Chen, X.-Q. Yang, and J. N. Sun (2018), The optical properties, physical properties and direct radiative forcing of urban columnar aerosols in the Yangtze River Delta, China,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 1419–1436.

● Zhuang, B. L.*, T. J. Wang, J. Liu, S. Li, M. Xie, Y. Han, P. L. Chen, Q. D. Hu, X.-Q. Yang, C. B. Fu, and J. L. Zhu (2017), The surface aerosol optical properties in the urban area of Nanjing, west Yangtze River Delta, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 1143–1160.

● Zhuang, B. L.*, T. J. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Ma, C. Q. Yin, S. Li, M. Xie, Y. Han, J. L. Zhu, X. Q. Yang, and C. B. Fu (2015), Absorption coefficient of urban aerosol in Nanjing, west Yangtze River Delta, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 13633-13646.

● Wang, T. J., B. L. Zhuang*, S. Li, J. Liu, M. Xie, C. Q. Yin, Y. Zhang, C. Yuan, J. L. Zhu, and Y. Han (2015), The interactions between anthropogenic aerosols and the East Asian summer monsoon using RegCCMS, Journal of Geophysics Research-Atmosphere, 120, doi:10.1002/2014JD022877.

● Zhuang, B. L., T. J. Wang*, J. Liu, S. Li,  M. Xie, X. Q. Yang, C. B. Fu, J. N. Sun, C. Q. Yin, J. B. Liao, J. L. Zhu, and Y. Zhang (2014), Continuous measurement of black carbon aerosol in urban Nanjing of Yangtze River Delta, China, Atmospheric Environment, 89, 415-424.

● Zhuang, B. L., T. J. Wang*, S. Li, J. Liu, R. Talbot, H. T. Mao, X. Q. Yang, C. B. Fu, C. Q. Yin, J. L. Zhu, H. Z. Che, and X. Y. Zhang (2014), Optical properties and radiative forcing of urban aerosols in Nanjing, China, Atmospheric Environment, 83, 43-52.

● Zhuang, B. L., S. Li, T. J. Wang*, J. J. Deng, M. Xie, C. Q. Yin, and J. L. Zhu (2013), Direct radiative forcing and climate effects of anthropogenic aerosols with different mixing states over China, Atmospheric Environment, 79, 349-361.

● Zhuang, B. L., Q. Liu, T. J. Wang*, C. Q. Yin, S. Li, M. Xie, F. Jiang, and H. T. Mao (2013), Investigation on semi-direct and indirect climate effects of fossil fuel black carbon aerosol over China, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 114: 651-672.

● Zhuang, B. L., F. Jiang, T. J. Wang*, S. Li, and B. Zhu (2011), Investigation on the direct radiative effect of fossil fuel black-carbon aerosol over China, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 104, 301-312.

● Zhuang, B. L., L. Liu, F. H. Shen, T. J. Wang*, and Y. Han (2010), Semi-direct radiative forcing of internal mixed black carbon cloud droplet and its regional climatic effect over China, Journal Geophysics Research, 115, D00K19.

● 庄炳亮,王体健*,李树(2009),中国地区黑碳气溶胶的间接辐射强迫与气候效应,高原气象, 28(5),1095-1104.

☆ 专著

● 王体健,谢晓栋,庄炳亮,李树,刘丽,《区域气候-化学-生态耦合模式与模拟》,气象出版社,2022年

● 王体健,李树,庄炳亮,谢旻,李蒙蒙,《区域大气环境-化学-气候模拟》,气象出版社,2017年

● 王文兴,柴发合,王人洁,王体健,王韬,叶兴南,朱利中,朱彤,庄炳亮,刘越,吴忠标,张庆竹,张远航,陈义珍,陈建民,陈雄波,范绍佳,赵妤希,郝吉明,钟流举,《十一五中国环境学科发展报告》,中国科学技术出版社,2012年

☆ 教材

● 王体健,谢旻,韩永,庄炳亮,李树,陈璞珑,李蒙蒙,袁成,《大气化学试验教程》,bwin必赢出版社,2017年8月

● 韩永,王体健,谢旻,庄炳亮,《大气科学中的探测原理与方法》,bwin必赢出版社,2015年12月

☆ 获奖








☆ 合作论文


74. Han, H., Y. Wu, J. Liu, T. L. Zhao, B. L. Zhuang, H. L. Wang, Y. C. Li, H. M. Chen, Y. Zhu, H. N. Liu, Q. G. Wang, S. Li, T. T. Wang, M. Xie, and M. M. Li (2020), Impacts of atmospheric transport and biomass burning on the inter-annual variation in black carbon aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 13591–13610.

73. Ma, C., Wang, T., Jiang, Z., Wu, H., Zhao, M., Zhuang, B., Li S., Xie M., Li M. M., Liu J., Wu R. S. (2020), Importance of bias correction in data assimilation of multiple observations over eastern China using WRFChem/DART. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD031465.

72. Zhan, C. C., M. Xie, C. Huang, J. Liu, T. J. Wang, M. Xu, C. Ma, J. Yu, Y. Jiao, M. Li, S. Li, B. L. Zhuang, M. Zhao, and D. Nie (2020), Ozone affected by a succession of four landfall typhoons in the Yangtze River Delta, China: major processes and health impacts, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 13781–13799.

71. Gao, M., Z. Han, Z. Tao, J. Li, J.-E. Kang, K. Huang, X. Dong, B. Zhuang, S. Li, B. Ge, Q. Wu, H.-J. Lee, C.-H. Kim, J. S. Fu, T. Wang, M. Chin, M. Li, J.-H. Woo, Q. Zhang, Y. Cheng, Z. Wang, and G. R. Carmichael (2020), Air quality and climate change, Topic 3 of the Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia Phase III (MICS-Asia III) –Part 2: aerosol radiative effects and aerosol feedbacks, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 1147–1161.

70. Qu Y. W., T. J. Wang, H. Wu, L. Shu, M. M. Li, P. L. Chen, M. Zhao, S. Li, M. Xie, B. L. Zhuang, J. Liu, Y. Han (2020), Vertical structure and interaction of ozone and fine particulate matter in spring at Nanjing, China: The role of aerosol's radiation feedback, Atmospheric Environment, 222, 117162.

69. Gao, D., M. Xie, X. Chen, T. Wang, J. Liu, Q. Xu, X. Mu, F. Chen, S. Li, B. Zhuang, M. Li, M. Zhao, J. Ren (2020), Systematic classification of circulation patterns and integrated analysis of their effects on different ozone pollution levels in the Yangtze River Delta Region, China, Atmospheric Environment, 242, 117760.

68. Gao, L., T. Wang, X. Ren, B. Zhuang, S. Li, R. Yao, X.-Q. Yang (2020), Impact of atmospheric quasi-biweekly oscillation on the persistent heavy PM2.5 pollution over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China during winter, Atmospheric Research, 242, 105017.

67. Xie, X., T. Wang, X. Yue, S. Li, B. Zhuang, M. Wang (2020), Effects of atmospheric aerosols on terrestrial carbon fluxes and CO2 concentrations in China, Atmospheric Research, 237, 104859.

66. Liu, C., T. J. Wang, D. Rosenfeld, Y. N. Zhu, Z. G. Yue, X. Yu, X. D. Xie, S. Li, B. L. Zhuang, T. T. Chen, S. J. Niu (2020), Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL086184.


65. Li, S., Wang, T. J., Zhuang, B. L., Xie, M., Han, Y. (2019), Spatiotemporal distribution of anthropogenic aerosols in China around 2030, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 138(3-4), 2007-2020. 

64. Li, Y. C., Liu, J., Han, H., Zhao, T. L., Zhang, X., Zhuang, B. L., Wang, T J., Chen, H. M., Wu, Y., Li, M. M. (2019), Collective impacts of biomass burning and synoptic weather on surface PM2.5 and CO in Northeast China, Atmospheric Environment, 213: 64-80. 

63. Xie, X. D., Wang, T. J., Yue, X., Li, S., Zhuang, B. L., Wang, M. H., Yang, X.-Q. (2019), Numerical modeling of ozone damage to plants and its effects on atmospheric CO2 in China, Atmospheric Environment, 217: 116970. 

62. Zhan, C. C., Xie, M., Fang, D. X., Wang, T. J., Wu, Z., Lu, H., Li, M. M., Chen, P. L., Zhuang, B. L., Li, S., Zhang, Z. Q., Gao, D., Ren, J. Y., Zhao, M.  (2019), Synoptic weather patterns and their impacts on regional particle pollution in the city cluster of the Sichuan Basin, China, Atmospheric Environment, 208: 34-47.

61. Li, M. M., Wang, T. J., Xie, M., Li, S., Zhuang, B. L., Huang, X., Chen, P. L., Zhao, M., Liu, J.  (2019), Formation and Evolution Mechanisms for Two Extreme Haze Episodes in the Yangtze River Delta Region of China During Winter 2016, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 124(6): 3607-3623.

60. Han, H., Liu, J., Yuan, H. L., Wang, T. J., Zhuang, B. L., Zhang, X.  (2019), Foreign influences on tropospheric ozone over East Asia through global atmospheric transport, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(19): 12495-12514.

59. Ma, C. Q., Wang, T. J., Mizzi, A. P., Anderson, J. L., Zhuang, B. L., Xie, M., Wu, R. S. (2019), Multiconstituent Data Assimilation With WRF-Chem/DART: Potential for Adjusting Anthropogenic Emissions and Improving Air Quality Forecasts Over Eastern China, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 124(13): 7393-7412. 

58. Han, Y., Zhou, Y. W., Guo, J. P., Wu, Y. H., Wang, T. J., Zhuang, B. L., Li, M. M. (2019), The Characteristics of Spatial and Temporal Variations in the PBL during the Landfall of Tropical Cyclones across East China, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58(7): 1557-1572. 


57. Gao, M., Z. Han, Z. Liu, M. Li, J. Xin, Z. Tao, J. Li, J.-E. Kang, K. Huang, X. Dong, B. Zhuang, S. Li, B. Ge, Q. Wu, Y. Cheng, Y. Wang, H.-J. Lee, C.-H. Kim, J. S. Fu, T. Wang, M. Chin, J.-H. Woo, Q. Zhang, Z. Wang, and G. R. Carmichael (2018), Air quality and climate change, Topic 3 of the Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia Phase III (MICS-Asia III) –Part 1: Overview and model evaluation, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 4859–4884.

56. Han, H., J. Liu, H. Yuan, B. Zhuang, Y. Zhu, Y. Wu, Y. Yan, and A. Ding (2018), Characteristics of intercontinental transport of tropospheric ozone from Africa to Asia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 4251–4276.

55. Han, H., J. Liu, H. L. Yuan, B. L. Zhuang, et al. (2018), Impacts of Synoptic Weather Patterns and their Persistency on Free Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Concentrations and Outflow in Eastern China, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 123(13), 7024-7046.

54. Li, M., Wang, T., Xie, M., Li, S., Zhuang, B., Chen, P., et al. (2018). Agricultural fire impacts on ozone photochemistry over the Yangtze River Delta region, East China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 123. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JD028582

53. Li, S., T. Wang, P. Zanis, D. Melas, and B. Zhuang (2018), Impact of tropospheric ozone on summer climate in China, J. Meteor. Res., 32(2), 279–287, doi: 10.1007/s13351-018-7094-x.

52. Chen, P., T. Wang, M. Kasoar, M. Xie, S. Li, B. Zhuang, and M. Li (2018), Source apportionment of PM2.5 during haze and non-haze episodes in Wuxi, China, Atmosphere, 9, 267; doi:10.3390/atmos9070267.

51. Kilifarska, N. A., Wang, T. J., Ganev, K., Zhuang, B. L., et al. (2018), Decadal cooling of East Aisa - the role of aerosols and ozone produced by galactic cosmic rays, Comptes Rendus De L Academie Bulgare Des Sciences, 71(7), 937-944.

50. 安俊岭,陈勇,屈玉,陈琦,庄炳亮,等(2018),全耦合空气质量预报模式系统,Advance in Earth Sciences,33(5),445-454。


49. Zhu, J., J. E. Pennera, G. Lin, C. Zhou, L. Xu, and B. Zhuang (2017), Mechanism of SOA formation determines magnitude of radiative effects, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, doi/10.1073/pnas.1712273114.

48. Zhu, Y., Liu, J., Wang, T., Zhuang B., Han, H., Wang, H., Chang Y., and Ding, K. (2017), The impacts of meteorology on the seasonal and interannual variabilities of ozone transport from North America to East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 122, 10,612–10,636.

47. Li, M., T. Wang, M. Xie, B. Zhuang, S. Li, Y. Han, and P. Chen (2017) Impacts of aerosol-radiation feedback on local air quality during a severe haze episode in Nanjing megacity, eastern China, Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 69:1, 1339548, doi: 10.1080/16000889.2017.1339548

46. Li, M., T. Wang, M. Xie, B. Zhuang, S. Li, Y. Han, Y. Song, and N. Cheng (2017), Improved meteorology and ozone air quality simulations using MODIS land surface parameters in the Yangtze River Delta urban cluster, China, Journal of Geophysics Research-Atmosphere, 122, 3116–3140, doi:10.1002/2016JD026182.

45. Li, M., T. Wang, M. Xie, B. Zhuang, S. Li, Y. Han, and N. Cheng (2017), Modeling of urban heat island and its impacts on thermal circulations in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region, China,Theor. Appl. Climatol., 128, 999–1013.

44. Li, M., T. Wang, Y. Han, M. Xie, S. Li, B. Zhuang, and P. Chen (2017), Modeling of a severe dust event and its impacts on ozone photochemistry over the downstream Nanjing megacity of eastern China, Atmospheric Environment, 160, 107-123.

43. Ma, X, H. Liu, J. Liu, and B. Zhuang (2017), Sensitivity of climate effects of black carbon in China to its size distributions, Atmospheric Research, 185, 118-130.

42. Chen P., T. Wang, M. Dong, M. Kasoar, Y. Han, M. Xie, S. Li, B. Zhuang, M. Li, T. Huang (2017), Characterization of major natural and anthropogenic source profiles for size-fractionated PM in Yangtze River Delta, Science of the Total Environment, 598, 135–145.

41. Chen, P., T. Wang, X. Lu, Y. Yu, M. Kasoar, M. Xiea, B. Zhuang (2017), Source apportionment of size-fractionated particles during the 2013 Asian Youth Games and the 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, China, Science of the Total Environment, 579, 860–870.

40. Huang, Q., T. Wang, P. Chen, X. Huang, J. Zhu, and B. Zhuang (2017), Impacts of emission reduction and meteorological conditions on air quality improvement during the 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 13457–13471.

39. Wu, Y., Y. Han, A. Voulgarakis, T. Wang, M. Li, Y. Wang, M. Xie, B. Zhuang, and S. Li (2017), An agricultural biomass burning episode in eastern China: Transport, optical properties, and impacts on regional air quality, Journal of Geophysics Research-Atmosphere, 122, 2304–2324, doi:10.1002/2016JD025319.

38. Xie, M., L. Shu, T. Wang, Q. Liu, D. Gao, S. Li, B. Zhuang, Y. Han, M. Li, and P. Chen (2017), Natural emission under future climate condition and their effects on surface ozone in the Yangtze River Delta region, China, Atmospheric Environment, 150, 162-180.


37. Li, S., T. Wang, F. Solmon, B. Zhuang, H. Wu, M. Xie, Y. Han, and X. Wang (2016), Impact of aerosols on regional climate in southern and northern China during strong/weak East Asian summer monsoon years, Journal of Geophysics Research-Atmosphere, 121, 4069–4081, doi:10.1002/2015JD023892.

36. Shu, L., M. Xie, T. Wang, D. Gao, P. Chen, Y. Han, S. Li, B. Zhuang, and M. Li (2016), Integrated studies of a regional ozone pollution synthetically affected by subtropical high and typhoon system in the Yangtze River Delta region, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 15801–15819.

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