

2006年获bwin必赢大气科学专业学士学位,2013年获bwin必赢理学博士学位。2013年任bwin必赢助理研究员,2014年赴美国怀俄明大学从事博士后研究工作, 2018年被聘为bwin必赢副教授。


1. 气候动力学

2. 气溶胶气候效应




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42175022 ,亚洲气溶胶偶极型异常分布对东亚夏季风的影响及其机理研究 ,2022/01-2025/12, 57万元,在研,主持  


2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41505062,中国东部人为气溶胶气候效应的季节性特征研究,2016/01-2018/12, 21万元,主持


3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,91744208, 气溶胶与天气气候相互作用对我国冬季雾霾污染的影响,2018/01-2022/12340万元,在研,骨干


4. 国家重点研发计划课题,2017YFA0604002,边界层湍流、低云及浅对流参数化方案研发,2017/01-2022/12462万元,在研,骨干


1. Hao, X., Jiang, Y., Yang, X., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, M., Liang, Y., & Wang, Y. (2023). Impacts of anthropogenic emissions over South Asia on East Asian spring climate: Two possible dynamical pathways, Journal of Climate, doi: https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0049.1.

2. Jiang, Y., X.-Q. Yang, X. Liu, Y. Qian, K. Zhang, M. Wang, F. Li, Y. Wang, and Z. Lu (2020), Impacts of Wildfire Aerosols on Global Energy Budget and Climate: The Role of Climate Feedbacks, Journal of Climate, 33(8), 3351-3366, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0572.1.

3. Jiang, Y., X.-Q. Yang, X. Liu, D. Yang, X. Sun, M. Wang, A. Ding, T. Wang, and C. Fu (2017), Anthropogenic aerosol effects on East Asian winter monsoon: The role of black carbon-induced Tibetan Plateau warming, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(11), 5883-5902, doi:10.1002/2016jd026237.

4. Jiang, Y., Z. Lu, X. Liu, Y. Qian, K. Zhang, Y. Wang, and X. Q. Yang (2016), Impacts of global open-fire aerosols on direct radiative, cloud and surface-albedo effects simulated with CAM5, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16(23), 14805-14824, doi:10.5194/acp-16-14805-2016.

5. Jiang, Y., X.-Q. Yang, and X. Liu (2015), Seasonality in anthropogenic aerosol effects on East Asian climate simulated with CAM5, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120(20), 10,837-810,861, doi:10.1002/2015jd023451.

6. Jiang, Y., X. Liu, X.-Q. Yang, and M. Wang (2013), A numerical study of the effect of different aerosol types on East Asian summer clouds and precipitation, Atmospheric Environment, 70, 51-63, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.12.039.




1. Li, Z., Y. Wang, J. Guo, C. Zhao, M. C. Cribb, X. Dong, J. Fan, D. Gong, J. Huang, M. Jiang, Y. Jiang, S.-S. Lee, H. Li, J. Li, J. Liu, Y. Qian, D. Rosenfeld, S. Shan, Y. Sun, H. Wang, J. Xin, X. Yan, X. Yang, X.-q. Yang, F. Zhang and Y. Zheng (2019). East Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosols and their Impact on Regional Clouds, Precipitation, and Climate (EAST-AIRCPC). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124(23): 13026-13054.

2. Chen, B., C. Wu, X. Liu, L. Chen, J. Wu, H. Yang, T. Luo, X. Wu, Y. Jiang, L. Jiang, H. Y. Brown, Z. Lu, W. Fan, G. Lin, B. Sun and M. Wu (2019). Seasonal climatic effects and feedbacks of anthropogenic heat release due to global energy consumption with CAM5. Climate Dynamics 52(11): 6377-6390.

3. Yang, D., X.-Q. Yang, D. Ye, X. Sun, J. Fang, C. Chu, T. Feng, Y. Jiang, J. Liang, X. Ren, Y. Zhang and Y. Tang (2018). On the Relationship Between Probabilistic and Deterministic Skills in Dynamical Seasonal Climate Prediction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123(10): 5261-5283.

4. Wang, Y., G. J. Zhang and Y. Jiang (2018). Linking Stochasticity of Convection to Large-Scale Vertical Velocity to Improve Indian Summer Monsoon Simulation in the NCAR CAM5. Journal of Climate 31(17): 6985-7002.

5. Fan, T., X. Liu, P. L. Ma, Q. Zhang, Z. Li, Y. Jiang, F. Zhang, C. Zhao, X. Yang, F. Wu and Y. Wang (2018). Emission or atmospheric processes? An attempt to attribute the source of large bias of aerosols in eastern China simulated by global climate models. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 18(2): 1395-1417.

6. Chu, C., X.-Q. Yang, X. Sun, D. Yang, Y. Jiang, T. Feng and J. Liang (2018). Effect of the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean warming since the late 1970s on wintertime Northern Hemispheric atmospheric circulation and East Asian climate interdecadal changes. Climate Dynamics 50(7): 3031-3048.

7. Brown, H., X. Liu, Y. Feng, Y. Jiang, M. Wu, Z. Lu, C. Wu, S. Murphy and R. Pokhrel (2018). Radiative effect and climate impacts of brown carbon with the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5). Atmos. Chem. Phys. 18(24): 17745-17768.

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