【学术报告】隋中兴 教授


报告题目: Analysis and modeling of convection coupled tropical waves and the MJO

报告人:隋中兴 教授(台湾大学)

邀请人:杨修群 教授




Many observational analysis and major theoretical studies indicate the intraseasonal oscillations (ISO) is a dominant eastward-propagating tropical signal consisting of Rossby and Kelvin waves that are maintained by frictional wave-CISK and advection of mean moisture field. Persistent progresses in remote sensing data, computational power, and assimilation methods have resulted in improved prediction skills for tropical waves and ISOs by current climate models, yet progresses in parametrization schemes of model physics remain slow. With the resolution increases in models, a unified representation of deep moist convection needs to be considered (Arakawa and Wu) and non-hydrostatic dynamics make the representation of cloud microphysics more important. To improve the treatment of physical processes, we need quality observations and models that resolve convective-radiative processes to guide the development of parameterization schemes for convective, radiative, and boundary layer mixing processes.

In this talk, I will briefly review selected studies of tropical weather and ISOs to summarize progresses made through analyses of major field projects. I will mainly report our progress in studying zonally asymmetric features of the ISO. Our analysis shows the equatorial zonal overturning circulation of ISOs consisting of the first baroclinic mode with a broad scale (60E-170E), and the second baroclinic mode with a 15 longitudes westward shift relative to the first baroclinic mode. The cloud types and radiative heating rates of CloudSat data show zonally asymmetric distribution from shallow cloud and LW cooling anomaly in the suppressed descending branch of the first baroclinic circulation, through deep cloud and LW warming in the ISO convection core, to mid-level stratiform cloud with distinct vertical heating-cooling contrast in the western branch of circulation. We further show the important role of shallow cumulus and cloud-radiative forcing in causing the zonally asymmetric features of the ISO through aqua-planet experiments in a global GCM.




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