【学术报告】Takemasa Miyoshi


题目: Pushing the limits: Big Data Assimilation Research at RIKEN
报告人:Takemasa Miyoshi
      (RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
邀请人:雷荔傈  教授
时间:     10:30am ,2018年12月10日
地点:    bwin必赢D103报告厅
摘要: The Data Assimilation Research Team in RIKEN Center for Computational Science has been pioneering the future possibilities of numerical weather prediction by taking advantage of the powerful K computer, big Data from advanced sensing technologies, and “Big Ensemble Data Assimilation. In this presentation, I will talk about the broad range of our activities with more focus on our “Big Data Assimilation” research pushing the limits of ensemble data assimilation: the resolution as high as 100 m, the update frequency as high as 10 minutes with Himawari-8 and even 30 seconds with phased array weather radar, and the ensemble size up to 10240.


  • bwin必赢仙林校区大气科学楼