报告题目:Regionality of climate variations imposed by cosmic rays and near tropopause ozone
报告人:Natalya Andreeva Kilifarska教授,保加利亚科学院
邀请人:王体健 教授
Regional specifics of climate changes is usually attributed to the climate modes detected in the spatial-temporal evolution of climatic variables. The modes themselves are believed to aise by the modulation of chaotic short-term atmospheric variations, modulated by the long-term ocean variability. In our studies we show that behind the chaotic behaviour of two of the most influencing climatic modes – i.e. North Atlantic Oscillation and El Nino Southern Oscillation –stay the spatial-temporal variability of near-tropopause ozone, imposed by the corresponding fluctuations in the flux of high energy cosmic rays, entering the lower atmospheric levels.
Natalya Andreeva Kilifarska教授,1980年在保加利亚索菲亚大学物理系获气象学学士学位,1986年在俄罗斯地磁、电离层和无线电传播研究所(IZMIRAN)获理学博士学位。目前在保加利亚科学院国家地球物理、大地测量和地理研究所工作。主要从事气候变率研究,包括:不同时间尺度的探测和归因、建模、气候反馈过程;大气层的垂直耦合以及从太阳到地球表面的能量和动量转移机制;高能粒子对对流层上部/平流层下部化学和动力学的影响;平流层变暖—驱动机制、预测可能性;地磁场对气候的影响;地震孕育期的地磁场波动及其对大气参数的影响。此外,还从事电离层变率研究,包括对磁层/地磁扰动的响应、建模、电离层-热层耦合。发表论文250余篇,出版专著1部。