报告人:刘志权 研究员
The Model for Prediction Across Scales – Atmosphere (MPAS-A) is NCAR’s new-generation global-/regional-unified non-hydrostatic atmospheric model discretized on unstructured grids. MPAS-JEDI is MPAS-A’s data assimilation system based upon the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) software framework. In this talk, I will firstly introduce the main features of MPAS-A as a standalone model and ongoing development activities, including MPAS-A’s coupling with other earth system model’s components through the Community Earth System Model (CESM) for climate applications. The rest of the presentation will focus on MPAS-JEDI, beginning with the introduction of the implementation of deterministic and ensemble data assimilation schemes and the assimilation of various observations, including those from satellite platforms, and then followed by performance demonstration with global and regional cycling experiments, configured at different resolutions (up to convection-permitting setting).
刘志权博士,1994年毕业于bwin必赢大气科学系大气物理专业,1998年在法国国家气象学院获数值天气预报专业硕士学位,2002年获法国图卢兹三大博士学位。期间在法国气象局国家气象研究中心主攻大气资料同化研究。毕业后于中国气象局国家卫星气象中心工作,曾任卫星气象研究所研究员及大气探测与资料同化室主任,中国气象科学研究院数值预报中心客座研究员。2005年获涂长望青年气象科技二等奖。作为中国气象局GRAPES变分同化系统的主要开发者之一,获2004-2005中国气象局科学研究和技术开发一等奖和2007年国家科技进步二等奖。于2005年加入美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR),现任NCAR中小尺度气象实验室资深项目科学家,预报、同化与风险沟通部副主任,WRFDA同化系统主管,领导新一代资料同化系统MPAS-JEDI的开发。发表SCI学术论文60余篇,论文被引5千余次,H-Index 31。研究方向:卫星资料同化、集合与变分同化方法、大气化学与气溶胶资料同化、再分析。