序号 | 作者 | 获奖等次 | 获奖等次英文 | 作者英文名 | 人称代词 | 动词 | 论文名 | 论文英文名 |
M.P.028 | 傅豪、浦云娇、冯志明、刘明睿 | 一等奖 | Frist | FU Hao, PU Yunjiao, FENG Zhiming and LIU Mingrui | their | have | 旋转热对流结构的实验研究 | An Experimental Study on the Structure of Turbulent Rotating Convection |
A.G.014 | 许文卿、刘浩铄、孙世玮、安晓禾 | 一等奖 | First | XU Wenqing,LIU Haoshuo, SUN Shiwei and AN Xiaohe | their | have | 耦合系统误差增长的动力学机制以及其可预报性研究 | The Research of The Growth Of The Coupling System’s Error And Predictability |