【特邀报告】Dr. Xujia Jiang(Associate Editor of Nature Geoscience)


题  目:How to publish in Nature Geoscience.
报告人: Dr. Xujia Jiang, Associate Editor of Nature Geoscience
时  间:3月29日(周五)下午 14:00 
地  点:bwin必赢D103报告厅
邀请人:丁爱军 教授
内容简介: Nature Geoscience is a monthly journal dedicated to top-quality Earth sciences research from all disciplines within geosciences. Launched in 2008, Nature Geoscience has been one of the best journals in earth and environmental sciences. The journal is staffed with six full-time professional editors, who make all decisions about manuscripts. This talk will give a comprehensive overview of our editorial process of handling manuscripts, from submission to accept. The talk will particularly introduce the editorial assessment on manuscripts that might help you understand what we look for in a new manuscript.  The talk will also give a snapshot of how nature editors’ lives look like for anyone who is interested in scientific publishing.
报告人简介:Xujia joined Nature Geoscience in January 2018, having started her editorial career in 2017 at Nature Sustainability. Prior to joining Nature Research, Xujia worked as a post-doc at Tsinghua University, looking into the relationship among air pollution, human health and socioeconomic development, including a 3-months visit at School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. Xujia has a degree in Environmental Engineering from Donghua University and a PhD from Peking University where she studied the behaviour of nanoparticles in aquatic systems. She has also worked on climate change at the Development and Reform Commission in China.


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