Title: Urbanization and Extreme Rainfall
Lecturer: Prof. Da-Lin Zhang(University of Maryland,USA)
Inviter: Prof. Kun Zhao
Time: 10:00 AM Jun 10, 2019
Venue: Lecture Hall D103, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Xianlin Campus
Title: Urbanization and Extreme Rainfall
Lecturer: Prof. Da-Lin Zhang(University of Maryland,USA)
Inviter: Prof. Kun Zhao
Time: 10:00 AM Jun 10, 2019
Venue: Lecture Hall D103, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Xianlin Campus
Contact usnjuas@nju.edu.cn(86)-25-89682575(86)-25-89683084 (fax)
Atmospheric Sciences BuildingNanjing University · Xianlin Campus163 Xianlin Road, Qixia DistrictNanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210023